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HOME > Anti Narcoleptic Articles > Where to buy Provigil for wakefulness disorder?

Jun 24 / 2021

Where to buy Provigil for wakefulness disorder?

People who faced the diseases called narcolepsy already know that the most prescribed medicine to beat daytime sleepiness is Provigil. The main problem with the drug is that it cannot be bought without a prescription. It is a reasonable measure imposed by FDA as the drug can cause serious health problems in overdose or uncontrolled usage when it can cause addiction. However, if your doctor has already recommended you Provigil to treat narcolepsy, you can significantly save on regular visits to your doctor buying the medicine online.

How to buy Provigil online?

First of all, be ready to see the name Generic Provigil or other brand names as different pharmaceutical companies use different brand names for the same drug based on the active ingredient called Modafinil. The drugs are identical, there are only two differences between them, which cannot harm your health or your treatment plan, and these are: price and name of the drug. The price of generic Provigil is significantly lower than the price of Provigil marketed by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. The lower price of generic Provigil does not indicate its inferior quality. The reason behind it is the less advertised brand name and lower costs of selling products online compared to regular drug stores.

How to find a reliable online pharmacy?

First of all, look for a pharmacy with good rating according to its customers. Check the customers’ feedback on its website or try finding the feedback on other websites simply writing the name of the website you are trying to check and a word “feedback” in a search bar.
Look for a customer support team, try getting in touch with them before completing an order. It will give you an idea about how serious is the pharmacy about its products and will indirectly show the quality of sold drugs.

Buying Generic Provigil: pay attention to dosage

If you buy generic Provigil online, be sure to check the dosage per pill. Do not buy higher dosage planning dividing a pill in half as you can forget about it or simply divided it unequally and use the wrong dose. If your doctor prescribed you Provigil 100 mg a day, buy Generic Provigil 100 mg and not 200 mg or 400 mg.

Checking the compliance of generic Provigil

If you have already bought and used Provigil, probably you still have a package with the ingredients list on it. Before buying generic Provigil, you can check the ingredients of the drug and compare them with the data on your package.