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Jun 23 / 2021

Provigil - Quick Overview of the Drug

Today Provigil is one the most commonly prescribed medicines based on modafinil. Modafinil is the main component of the drug while Provigil is a trademark owned by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. In different countries, Modafinil is marketed under various trademarks.

The drug cannot be obtained in regular drugstores without a practitioner’s prescription in the USA and some other countries as it is listed in the Controlled substances act for its psychotropic effect and possible cause of dependence.

When Provigil is Prescribed?

The medicine is approved by Food and Drug Administration of the United States as a part of a treatment plan aimed to treat wakefulness disorders, including hypnolepsy (frequent daytime sleepiness), insomnia in circadian rhythm sleep disorder, and obstructive sleep apnea or hypopnea. Some EU and Asian countries have also authorized the use of the medicine for the treatment of other conditions such as idiopathic hypersomnia.
Besides the main treatment plans for the listed disorders, Provigil has shown its effect in the elimination of fatigue in many disorders, including depression, spastic cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease and others.

How do Provigil Works?

It should be noted that though the drug helps to reduce sleepiness, it cannot replace sufficient sleep for a healthy rest. Provigil does not treat the conditions it is approved to be used for. Its main effect is the elimination of symptoms to reduce the discomfort of excessive sleepiness and fatigue in people suffering from the disorders listed above.

Recommended Dosage of Provigil

The most commonly recommended dose for the disorders Provigil is authorized to be used for is 200 mg once a day or 100 mg twice a day. In most severe cases, the dose can be increased to 400 mg, but only under a doctor’s supervision.

Side Effects

As any other drug, Provigil can cause some adverse effects. People who suffer from allergy on one of the substances in the compound of Provigil are the first subjects to severe side effects. Other possible adverse effects, not related to allergy are: headache, back pain, depression, hallucinations, anxiety, heartache, trouble breathing, abnormal heartbeat, gastrointestinal tract disorders, nausea, stuffy nose, and others.
In the occurrence of any side effects, a patient should immediately stop taking the drug and inform his/her doctor on the condition.