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Jun 25 / 2021

Unwanted effects of Provigil

Except its advantages, Provigil can cause some unwanted side effects.

If you notice any of such side effects tell your doctor immediately. Among them can be: blurred vision, fever, chest pain, confusion, mental depression, clumsiness, troubles with urination, trembling, memory problems, and uncontrolled movements of the face, mouth, or tongue, bruising, weakness, rapind mood changing, sore throat, dizziness, black stools, increased urination.

In case of overdose.

If you overdose the medication, you may experience the following side effects, in such a case call an ambulance at once. The overdose side effects: agitation, sleeping troubles, high blood pressure, fast heartbeat. There are some side effects which are not so severe and do not require some medical examination.

As you take the medication, your body gets accustomed to it and with time they may disappear at all. Be attentive if any of the side effects do not go away. It can be nausea, anxiety, headache, nervousness. Less common are pain in the back, diarrhea, dry skin, heartburn, indigestion, sour stomach, vomiting, swelling, stiffness in the muscles, appetite decrease, belching.

General side effects when taking Generic Nuvigil.

The most general side effects noticed when taking Generic Provigil are headache, pain in the chest, neck, rigid neck, chills. There were reported the cases of severe rash. Some of the cases happened after a long treatment with Provigil. Among the dermatologic side effects were noticed the following: Stevens - Johnson syndrome, drug rash with eosinophilia, toxic epidermal necrolysis, dry skin and herpes simplex.

Respiratory side effects included rhinitis, lung disorder, asthma, dyspnea, pharyngitis and epistaxis. Also such things as nervousness, depression, dizziness, cataplexy, anxiety, amnesia, insomnia, dyskinesia, confusion, emotional lability, tremor, dyskinesia and ataxia.